个人简历: |
擅长科目: 小学国际教材,初中国际教材,高一二英语,高中国际教材,对外汉语,初级英语口语,大学英语六级,GRE,商务英语,雅思,托福,高级新概念英语,高级牛津英语,高级英语口语,成人英语,,
特长展示: 2002/01--至今:外国语大学附属培训班教授中学牛津,新世纪,统编教材.并参与初中,高中英语教材的编写工作.工作业绩:上课气氛非常活跃,初中学生和高中学生能流利地用英语交流,多年来,中考和高考成绩上海市名列前茅.2003/08--2005/10:上海新东方英语培训中心教授大学英语四级,六级英语考试.口语,听力和作文托福(110),雅思(8)和SAT(GRE)2100通过率在90以上.工作业绩:我了解学生学习英语的共同问题,总结了生动有趣的的学单词,写作文,说英语的独特方法.在我的帮助下不出三周,您就能体会到学习英语的快乐.让您越学越快乐,越学越想学.1999/12--2003/07:上海新世纪英语培训机构英语口语老师教学方式强调的是在最自然的课堂气氛中,鼓励学生在回答问题的时候保持放松的心态,以及尽可能的开口说话。通过学生的讨论发现问题,并给予及时的指导。使学生在学习过程中不仅积累了词汇量、而且提高了流利程度也增加了自信心。效果十分明显.工作业绩:从小学生一直到大学生包括外资企业员工.
With large amounts of English training as well as tutoring experience,
I strongly believe a competent private tutor is very suitable for Chinese English learners,
hich is feasible and effective.With me, you can be the best confident English learner!
Teaching Methodology Concentration on 'social language'
to improve conversational English in a natural way.
person to person talk to stimulate each other through
various exercise technique
A short list of new, interactive activities include: Description/drawing games,
conversation games, vocabulary competitions, puzzles, etc.
more attention on function sentences.
Visualizations aids such as images, flashcards, sketches and drawings will be used.
Teach in a systematic way that will guarantee you results with higher accuracy.
Generally, your teacher is good-natured, humorous, and friendly with a smile to match.
Though patient, not overly, as encouragement and interactivity is needed
to stimulate the overall environment. I seek highly dedicated people
whom take a serious approach to wanting to further their studies to improve
their oral communication skills.
I teach in a systematic way that will guarantee you results with higher accuracy.